Operations at https://api.tenpin.co.uk/bowling

This page describes the service operations at this endpoint.

Uri Method Description
centres/{centreId}/addons/{date}/{time} GET Retrieve all available add-ons
centres/{centreId}/availability/games/{date}/{time} GET Gets the current availability at the centre
centres/{centreId}/availability/timed/{date}/{time} GET Gets the current availability at the centre
centres/{centreId}/booking POST Creates a booking
centres/{centreId}/booking/{bookingId} GET Gets a booking
DELETE Deletes a booking
centres/{CentreId}/booking/{BookingId} PUT Updates a booking and the priceekeys in the booking cart
centres/{centreId}/booking/{bookingId}/confirm PUT Confirms a booking
centres/{centreId}/booking/{bookingId}/customer PUT Assigns a customer to a booking
centres/{centreId}/booking/{bookingId}/renew PUT Renews a booking
centres/{centreId}/categories GET Service at https://api.tenpin.co.uk/bowling/centres/{CENTREID}/categories
centres/{centreId}/credit-card-provider GET Retrieves the Credit Card Provider configured at a specific centre
centres/{centreId}/customer GET Gets a valid customers login details and whether it is valid
POST Creates the customer
centres/{centreId}/customer/{customerId} GET Gets a customer
PUT Update customer details
centres/{centreId}/customer/{customerId}/password PUT Change customer password
centres/{centreId}/customer/activation/{activationGuid} POST Activate the created customer
centres/{centreId}/customer/password POST Resets a customer password
PUT Confirms the new customer password
centres/{centreId}/image/{guid} GET Gets an image
centres/{centreId}/online GET Retrieves an online check of a specific centre
centres/{centreId}/opening-calendar GET Gets centre details
centres/{centreId}/opening-hours GET Gets a centre opening hours
centres/{centreId}/scenarios/games GET Gets available scenarios
centres/{centreId}/scenarios/timed GET Gets available scenarios
centres/{centreId}/scores/{reservationId} GET Gets scores for reservation
centres/{centreId}/version GET Retrieves the Conqueror version running at a specific centre